SCROLL DOWN to other sections for ACC's TOURNAMENT info !

General Club & Ladder Information:

Our focus is to provide a strong learning and playing experience for players of any age and any playing strength. The club has more than 300 active members, from advanced beginners to a Grand Master. About 20% of our members are kids aged 9-18. We eagerly accept anyone who wants to be a member of the club, but to be competitive, we suggest kids have already played adults and that they have a chess rating of 1000, or at least 900 if steadily improving.

Annual ACC dues are $75 for adults, then $60 for Juniors (Under 19 years old) and Seniors (aged 65+).

To play on the club’s ladder or in other officially "rated" club games or events, members must also be members of the U.S. Chess Federation (USCF). USCF memberships start at $54/year for adults, with lower rates for seniors, youth, and additional family members.

Members can join and/or renew membersgips for both ACC and USCF through the Membership webpage.

The Arlington Chess Club meets nearly every Friday starting at 7:00 p.m. Formal games start just after 8:00pm. We stay open until the last game is finished, which can be quite late.

Senior TD/NA Adam Chrisney conducts our Blitz, Action, Action-Plus, Ladder and other chess events.

Please bring your own chess equipment (set, board, clock) to any ACC event!!

Chess equipment and supplies are available at large chess tournaments and from various on-line vendors.

Have a Question?: Membership, ladder inquiries and all other questions about ACC should be directed by e-mail to Adam Chrisney at:

Want Our Monthly Newsletter?: For regular club announcements, please send an e-mail to to receive our monthly newsletter.


Just drop on by and play for fun with friends, including 5-minute unrated blitz games. Analyze games, discuss and enjoy chess at your leisure! The Friday club meeting from 7-8 pm is regularly used for skittles.

Regular Tournaments:

We try to offer events for every player including Action-Plus / Blitz / Quad tournaments! Once a month ACC offers a 3-round Friday Quad (G/30, d5) tournament (**Temporarily Suspended**). Once a month, the club holds a Blitz tournament (G/5, d2 - double swiss) on a Friday at the same time as the Ladder. And once a month on Saturdays ACC offers a 5-round Saturday Action-Plus (G/45, d5) tournament! Blitz and Action Championships as well as the ACC Club Championship (4-5 games - 40/80, SD/30, +30) to return soon!

Look below under: "Other ACC Tournaments" for 1-2 day week-end events, including: Blitz, Action & Action-Plus.

Regional Tournament Clearinghouse:

This webpage is a weekly list of most tournaments in the VA/DC/MD area: Clearinghouse Webpage.

D.C. Chess League:

ACC-sponsored teams compete against teams from other Washington, DC metropolitan area clubs. Open, Class B, Class D teams compete about once a month. This provides a local opportunity to play and watch high-quality chess games!!

Go to their website for more on the DC Chess League Website.

Regarding DCCL documents, for the:

"Match Report Form:" Form.
"Schedule:" Schedule.

Simultaneous Exhibitions:

Visiting Grand Masters usually provide an hour lecture and then take on all challengers for a modest fee. Play against and learn from some of the world's strongest players!!

Lessons For the Young & Young at Heart:

Kids of all ages can take the opportunity to learn and improve from stronger players. Several ACC members give lessons. Inquire at the Friday club meeting!

**Temporarily Suspended** ACC GM Lecture Series: Join local GM Lawrence “Larry” Kaufman for an evening of fun chess instruction! Once every month, Larry will give a lecture on selected chess topics and then take questions for a total of an hour and a half each night. Larry is a well-known chess teacher, computer chess researcher, author of the highly regarded Kaufman Repertoire for Black and White and the earlier Chess Advantage for Black and White, and regular competitor in local and national chess events. Stephen Miller: "These lectures are AWESOME!" For more information, incuding future dates and topics, see: Flyer.

NOTE: Have you read a poorly written sentence? Find a bad link? Are we missing important material? Please raise these issues with us at:

In-Person ACC Friday Ladder


One Rated, Long-Time Control Game Every Friday!!

The ACC ladder has run for over 3000 Friday evenings. Play one USCF-rated game per week at a 30/90, SD/30, +30 time control against someone close to your own strength.

USCF membership required!!

To play, arrive between 7pm and 8pm and sign-in on the ladder chart. Pairings are made at 8:00pm.

Go to Ladder Results webpage to see current and past standings.

See Flyer

In-Person ACC Friday ** QUADS **


We have decided to try out a new/old format for our Friday mini-quick tournaments ... Quads - where all entries are divided into groups of four that play each other in round robin format, rather than a Swiss format. This usually helps avoid having to play a round WAY up or down the rating scale.

2023 DATES:


Play a number of rated games in one night! Members and non-members can play three G/30, d5 games in one evening.

USCF membership required.

Entry fee is $25 ($20 for ACC members). Register from 7:00 - 8:00pm and then games begin about 8:10 p.m. $50 1st place prize for each quad.

See Flyer

ACC Championships

(TBD) - ACC Blitz Championship

ACC Blitz Championship: 9-round Double Swiss - G/4 +2. EF: $50 ($45 ACC members). 2-3 Sections, depending on turn-out: Open - U1800 - U1200(w/10+ U1200 entries).
Reg: 10-10:50am. Rd 1: Sat 11:00am, others ASAP. 15 min break before Rd 6. Expect to finish at about 3pm.
Can enter Rd 2 with a half pt bye - none in other rounds.
Prizes: Open section guaranteed, others based on entries.
Open Prizes: 400-200-125, U2000: 100
Other projected prizes: U1800: 200-100-75, U1500: 75; U1200: 200-100-75, U900: 75.
Rated games so players must be USCF members to enter. Only digital clocks!

See Flyer

(TBD) - ACC Action-Plus Championship

Play 7 round Swiss tournament at G/45, d5 time control. EF: $60-70. Rds: Sat Noon-2-5-7 Sat 9-11-1. All digital clocks preferred over analog, delay over non-delay.

See Flyer

(TBD) - ACC Club Championship / Arlington Open

Play 5-round Swiss tournament. Entry Fee $90, $75 pre-entry. Reg: Fri-6:00-7:15pm, Sat-9:00-9:45am.
3 SECTIONS: Open-U1800-U1200. Time control Open & U1800: G/2, d5. Rds: 7:30, 10-3, 10-2:30. U1200: G/45, d5. Rds: Sat 10-12-2-4-6.
PRIZES: Open: $400-300-200, U2000-$100. U1800: 300-200-100, U1500-$100. U1200: $300-200-100, U900-$100. ALL Sections, in addition to regular prizes: Top ACC Club Member: Trophy+$100.
Sunday Quads: 3RR G/60, d5. EF: $25. Reg: 9-10:45. Rds: 10-1-4. Prize: $50.

See Flyer

Other Tournaments

For all major tournaments in the VA/DC/MD area, go to the Regional Tournament Clearinghouse: Clearinghouse.

All ACC Dates Below are: CONFIRMED

Mar 1 - ACC Saturday Action-Plus

5 rounds G/45, d/5. EF: $60-70. Flyer.



5 rounds DoubleSwiss, G/5, d2. EF: $20-30. Flyer.


Mar 29 - ACC Saturday Action-Plus

5 rounds G/45, d/5. EF: $60-70. Flyer.


5 rounds DoubleSwiss, G/5, d2. EF: $20-30. Flyer.

Apr 26 - ACC Saturday Action-Plus

5 rounds G/45, d/5. EF: $60-70. Flyer.